Gift card image

Gift card

Last minute gift or undecided on what to give? Choose a virtual Gift Card. Everyone likes it and it doesn't expire.

The Gift Card code will only be sent to the email address entered during checkout.
The Gift Card value cannot be converted into cash.
The value of the Gift Card cannot be recharged and is exclusively scalable: the Gift Card can therefore be used for multiple purchases until its value is completely used up.
You can combine the gift card credit with other gift cards in your possession.
In case of loss or theft of the code, the Gift Card cannot be blocked or replaced and no responsibility can be attributed to CoccoleBimbi for the improper or unauthorized use of the Gift Card itself by third parties.
Please note that the image is for illustrative purposes only. After completing the purchase you will receive an email with a link to the Gift Card that you can use directly or share with whoever you want.

Any further restrictions on the purchase and use of Gift Cards can be consulted in the Terms & Conditions.